Wasing Outdoor Events Ticket Portal

Sound Bath


Sunday 9th February 2025   3pm-4.30pm

Friday 7th March 2025   7.30pm-9pm

Friday 11th April 2025   7.30pm-9pm

Friday 9th May 2025   7.30pm-9pm

Sound healing is an ancient meditation method which can enable participants to take a journey of deep relaxation, healing and self-discovery.

Many of us experience stress and tension in our everyday lives, meaning that we spend too much time activating our sympathetic nervous system, our flight and fight response.  Therapeutic sound has profound effects on our parasympathetic nervous system giving ourselves the chance to rest, rejuvenate and ultimately heal.

Our host Emma harnesses the alchemy of sound as well as the power of creativity and imagination to facilitate multi-sensory immersive spaces and embodied experiences that allow participants to soar and traverse our planes of consciousness.  Emma’s sonic immersions really encourage participants to allow themselves to release, playfully explore and take a journey of expansion using sound as their guide.

Attendees will settle into Savasana, allowing themselves to fully relax. From there, Emma will guide them through a meditation/visualisation, inviting each person to journey inward and explore their inner landscape while immersed in waves of sound.


Not recommended for those with pacemakers,metal implants, tinnitus, sound sensitive conditions or epilepsy or those who are pregnant in their 1st trimester. We do not offer any medical advice whatsoever. You attend the event at your own risk. If you have any health-related queries, please consult with your Doctor before making a booking.

For event enquiries, please email wellbeing@wasing.co.uk

Ticket options

  • General Admission (Adult 18+)
    General Admission (Adult 18+)
    + £1.00 booking fee

    General Admission Aged 18+

    0 30 max
    + £1.00 booking fee

    General Admission Aged 18+

Sound Bath


Sunday 9th February 2025   3pm-4.30pm

Friday 7th March 2025   7.30pm-9pm

Friday 11th April 2025   7.30pm-9pm

Friday 9th May 2025   7.30pm-9pm

Sound healing is an ancient meditation method which can enable participants to take a journey of deep relaxation, healing and self-discovery.

Many of us experience stress and tension in our everyday lives, meaning that we spend too much time activating our sympathetic nervous system, our flight and fight response.  Therapeutic sound has profound effects on our parasympathetic nervous system giving ourselves the chance to rest, rejuvenate and ultimately heal.

Our host Emma harnesses the alchemy of sound as well as the power of creativity and imagination to facilitate multi-sensory immersive spaces and embodied experiences that allow participants to soar and traverse our planes of consciousness.  Emma’s sonic immersions really encourage participants to allow themselves to release, playfully explore and take a journey of expansion using sound as their guide.

Attendees will settle into Savasana, allowing themselves to fully relax. From there, Emma will guide them through a meditation/visualisation, inviting each person to journey inward and explore their inner landscape while immersed in waves of sound.


Not recommended for those with pacemakers,metal implants, tinnitus, sound sensitive conditions or epilepsy or those who are pregnant in their 1st trimester. We do not offer any medical advice whatsoever. You attend the event at your own risk. If you have any health-related queries, please consult with your Doctor before making a booking.

For event enquiries, please email wellbeing@wasing.co.uk

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